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Health, Wealth and Relationships - 3 Keys to a Good Life

Mar 25, 2022

Have you ever met anyone that doesn’t want a good life?

Yes I thought so, me neither.

So what is this “good life” that people keep talking about?

The truth is, it looks a little bit different for each one of us. We all have our own unique dreams, gifts, and things we may feel called to do, but there are a few main areas that we can focus on to start creating and building the good life we desire.

  1. The first one we will look at is our HEALTH. You’ve heard the saying, “our health is our wealth.” If you’ve ever been sick or injured, you will understand firsthand how crippling ailments can be. Our health affects everything: how we think, how we feel, for many of us our ability to make money (our wealth) and our ability to contribute well to our relationships. For many of us it goes without saying that our health is of utmost importance. Just to elaborate a bit more on this ever so important topic, it is important to note that health comes in many forms, it is holistic- meaning that each part affects the others. Our mind, body and soul are interconnected. As a result there are different forms of health such as our physical body, our mental/psychological and our emotional health. Many people also believe in the importance of spiritual health as well.
  2. Next up, is the much sought after, somewhat elusive WEALTH category. Of course there are many types of wealth in this world, but for the sake of this post, we are addressing the monetary wealth that many of us spend most of our days earning in order to survive and thrive in this life. As controversial as this topic of money may be, it is an undeniably important one as most of the world needs money to survive — to provide food and shelter for ourselves and our loved ones, to afford healthcare and education as well as the more luxurious things in life. It is difficult to achieve wealth without health (how many of us have had to take sick days off of work when we are unwell) and in some circumstances, it is difficult to achieve health without wealth (ie. having to pay for a physician, a dentist, an eye doctor or a surgery).
  3. Last, but definitely not least, is the sometimes overlooked RELATIONSHIP category. I want you to think about a challenging time you may have had in one of your relationships- maybe you got into an argument with your partner, or were going through a divorce. Maybe your kids are going through a difficult stage that you just can’t understand. Maybe your boss is giving you a hard time at work. I want you to think about how these challenging events of your relationships affected the other areas of your life. Maybe it was hard to focus at work or you were short with your co-workers or employees thus affecting performance (and possible contribution to your wealth). Maybe the situation stressed you out so much you turned to unhealthy habits to help manage the stress (thus affecting your health).

The interconnectedness and balance of these three key areas is crucial. What good is wealth if we do not have the health and company to enjoy it? Can we enjoy our health to the fullest if we are poor and lonely? How well can we contribute to our relationships if we are sick and struggling financially?

There is a balance in each that is important for us to find for ourselves. The good news is that we can be guided in each area to find this balance and what works (and doesn’t work) for our unique circumstances. The One Life Team and I are passionate and dedicated to this mission, because we understand that, not only are people suffering and and settling for lives they don’t love living, in jobs where they have no time for anything else, overwhelmed with an incredible amount of responsibility at work and in the home, but also that the “good life” is usually not very far from where you are, you just need to know which steps to take.

Holistic living. Life balance. Life is a journey. Let’s make the most of it!

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