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Overcoming the “Don’t Feel Syndrome” and Lack of Motivation ie. What To Write About When You Have Nothing To Write About

Dec 16, 2021

You’re stumped. You have no ideas. You have nothing to write about.

Or maybe…

You’re stumped because you have sooo many ideas you just can’t seem to bring them all together.

Sound familiar?

This was literally me, moments ago as I sat down to write this blog post.

I almost nearly skipped it before I remembered this one priceless piece of advice that serves me so well to this day.

Here it is:

We will never always feel motivated, driven or “feel” to do things in life. This is what I call the “Don’t Feel Syndrome.” This doesn’t apply only to things we don’t like to do but also to things we enjoy. Just because we like something doesn’t mean that we want to, or have to, or should do, or like to do it 24/7. Sounds fair?

It also doesn’t mean that we will robotically be able to show up 110% every day for this activity. We are human after all, and I am a firm believer in self care and boundaries.

So what do we do in those times when our inspiration and motivation is waning?

These are the times when we need to just do it anyway- even if it’s for one minute. This is how we can start creating good habits. Practice.

When we base our lives solely on how we feel at any given moment, it can be difficult for us to build a solid foundation.

Some of us have been trained into thinking that discipline and creativity are things that people just magically have. It can be kind of a ‘fixed mindset’ thinking. That we either have it, or don’t. But in reality, to a large extent, these traits are formed by habit and consistency. Like a muscle or any skill, the more we work and practice them, the stronger they get. Additionally, the faster we can put our habits into a routine, the more we solidify their impact.

So if you’re a writer or a blogger for example, don’t feel you have to always wait on that burst of inspiration or that big idea to get started. Spend time every day mastering your craft, despite how you feel, and you may be surprised what comes out of it.

I mean for me, it was this blog post :)

Oftentimes, all we need to do is just start, and then that momentum takes over and things start to flow.

Keeping it short, sweet and to the point today!

Until next time, stay amazing :)


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