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Rekindling Relationships — Life Lesson Part 3

Apr 27, 2022

It goes without saying that the past few years have been somewhat of a whirlwind. With a great amount of anxiety and uncertainty, we got thrust into a rapidly changing world that we were not prepared for. Many of us were confused, fearful and isolated.

As life would have it, every great struggle comes with great lessons. One incredible lesson that surfaced emerged from the one thing we were most deprived of during the pandemic- human connection.

As human beings we thrive on love and connection. If you read my previous blog post highlighting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs you will see that love and connection are just that- human needs.

As we started to miss our ability to connect, I think many of us began to realize, it wasn’t just random connection we missed, it was meaningful, loving connection with the people that mattered most to us.

Examining the quality of our treasured relationships and seeing evidence of the fragility of life around us, the importance of the relationships we may have taken for granted, became clear.

As we start to rebuild our world and find our footing again, here are some suggestions when it comes to nurturing your relationships:

  1. Listen, listen, and then listen some more. Oftentimes, we are so focused on what we want to say, we do not take the time to listen and learn about the other person.
  2. Learn the art of communication. Be aware of the words you use, the tone you take and the body language you are portraying. Additionally, be aware of how others are receiving your speech. In other words, read the room ;)
  3. Spend time together doing activities all parties enjoy. Maybe you will sit and have a meal together, or go to play mini golf :)

I always remember that saying, to have a friend you must first be a friend. There is nothing quite as fulfilling as feeling loved and supported. I hope these tips help you on your journey to nurturing meaningful and lasting relationships! Until next time…

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