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The Importance of Vision

May 03, 2022

Do you have a vision for your life? Do you know where you want to be? Is what you’re doing today helping to take you there?

All our goals, dreams, wishes, wants, and the like, start with a vision. If we don’t have a vision and then a plan, and then take action toward our plan, chances are, we won’t get very far down the road we want to go on.

Coming up with a vision for our lives is actually kind of fun. It’s like daydreaming, allowing yourself to dream and visualize the way you would like things to be. There are many ways you can go about this- journaling, vision boards, workbooks.

The key is to spend some time immersed in your own thoughts, and record what you have come up with. Additionally, you can use tools like Google or Pinterest, to come up with different ideas or get inspiration. One thing to note here is that your vision for your life may change over time and that’s ok. This is natural and healthy as we journey through our different life stages.

Here are a few different areas of your life you may want to consider when creating and recording your life’s vision, and some prompts to get you started:

  1. You: What kind of person do you want to be? What skills or things would you like to achieve in life?
  2. Your Work: What kind of job do you have? How much money are you making?
  3. Your Home: Where are you living? What does your home look like?
  4. Your People: Who are the people in your life? What are your relationships with them like?
  5. Your Recreation: What do you do for fun? What things are you passionate about?

Generally, there are no right or wrong answers (unless it is something that is causing harm to you or someone else), so allow yourself to dream big and get in touch with the life you really want.

There is one thing I would like to mention here that many people may not be aware of. On our journey to seeking and creating the lives we want, we sometimes mistakenly believe that if we focus on ourselves and our wants and needs, we will achieve happiness, but the stories have shown that those who incorporate giving to others and extending themselves to help, are those that move forward to attain greater happiness and deeper fulfillment.

So, here’s where it starts, with your vision! Take some time to write it down, find pictures to accompany it, and put it somewhere where you can read it every day. After that, put that vision into a plan and get to work!

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