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What is your MINDSET around TIME? 6 Tips to help with your Time Management

Mar 07, 2022

I have no time…

Time ran away with me…

There’s not enough time…


This elusive concept of time is one of the major things that can make us feel in control (or out of control) of our lives.

I do believe that for most of us in this modern age, this is a universal struggle.  Having enough time to work, spend time with our loved ones, fulfill our responsibilities, and find enjoyment in life is enough to have anyone’s plate full…and overflowing!

What some of us may do in this case is put our heads down and plow through.  A very valiant attempt at tackling things head on.

Some others may sit back and plan, and think, and brainstorm different scenarios to the extent of what is called ‘analysis paralysis’.  Total overwhelm in which event nothing or not much really gets done.


There is a balance and groove that is necessary for each of us to find when it comes to managing our time, because each of our lives may require different things.  Some of us have 5 children as our main responsibility, other’s work overtime and night shifts, some are entrepreneurs that don’t have a traditional 9-5.

But before even diving into a few easy time management tips, there is a very important concept that comes first.  One that I would like to share with you in this post.


It’s the concept of your mindset around time.

You see the truth is, no matter how organized or disorganized we may think we are with managing our time, our mindset around time will always flavour how we feel about it.

For example, if we have a mindset that we are racing against the clock or fighting time, we will always feel an underlying or overwhelming stress around our deadlines.

If we miss a deadline we might use the excuse of “there wasn’t enough time” blaming time (an outside force) for our shortcomings.

Now this might be a hard pill to swallow because it forces our own accountability, but time is not against us.  It is not our enemy.  It is simply a construct that “is.”


It is said that “Time management is life management.”


When we struggle against time, it is usually because we have not managed our time in a way that allows us to get through what we need to in a relaxed and composed manner.

Maybe we want to do too many things that are realistically possible for the time given, and we overpack our schedule.

Maybe in this world of instant gratification, we have grown impatient with the time and process that things take.  We want things now and rush from one to the other and never really get to enjoy the process.  We’re just checking things off our list.

Maybe in order to get the results we want, we are trying to do too many things on our own, possibly micromanaging and not utilizing the power of leverage and a team to help us.


I think we all understand these struggles. 


Here are a few easy tips to help you with your time management:


  1.   Examine your relationship with time. Do you use phrases like “I don't have enough time?"  Instead, try asking “How can I find the time to do this?”  


  1. Make sure your schedule is realistic and not over-packed.


  1. Select carefully and wisely the things you  choose to put into your calendar. 


  1. Leave some buffer time in case things run late.


  1. Work diligently, but not rushed, and be patient with the process.


  1. Consider leveraging a team to help you get more done in less time. 

If you're unsure about how to assess your mindset when it comes to time, be mindful of the language you use. Our language and speech is a reflection of our thoughts, and being aware of it can give great insight into what we're thinking.

Hope you find these tips helpful when it comes to managing your time and managing your life. 

For a deeper dive into time management or other life skills, reach out to us here at


With warmth and gratitude, 

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