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Why it’s Important to Market Yourself…to Yourself??

Aug 24, 2021

At some point in our lives, I think we all have dreams. Dreams of who we want to be, what we want for our lives, and all the many things in between. 

I don’t know how I remember this, but I remember being in Montessori School and the teachers asking us the classic question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and they would go around the circle of students to hear their answers.

 “I want to be a teacher.” was mine.
 Funny enough I remember a little boy named Raymond; when it was his turn to answer, he announced loudly, “I want to be a cockroach!”
The class burst into laughter! At 3 years old, I can’t imagine what thoughts were going through Raymond’s head, but I remember thinking, “How could that even be possible?”

Maybe when we’re kids, some of us really believe that anything is possible.

As we get older though, many of us go through phases of confusion and insecurity, trying to figure out who we are and our place in this world. Some of us start to wonder what the purpose of our life is, and we have battles to maintain some sense of self-confidence, self-worth, and meaning.

It could be anything from getting a new job or starting a new career; maybe in our relationships or venturing to try something new.

Our heart wants to be courageous and fearless but then cue in, that little voice in our head.

The one that causes us to question if we’re good enough, smart enough, handsome or pretty enough…rich enough, old enough, young enough…you know the drill.

 This little deviant voice is commonly referred to as I.S. or Imposter Syndrome.
 Pretty much it’s when we experience feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, or incompetence.
 Something I think we all go through from time to time. It’s nice to know we’re not alone.
 The thing is, this Imposter Syndrome can sometimes prevent us from going head-on for our dreams.
Even now as I start to find my voice and put myself out there (which I personally find uncomfortable), I wonder, can I really add value to people’s lives? Can I really help them with my training and experience? Why would they even listen to me?

And this is where the concept of marketing yourself to yourself comes in :)

I think the first time I heard this statement, I was on an online training course given by a teacher who had worked his way up from being broke to multimillionaire, and making a huge positive impact in the world at the same time. A true rags to riches testimony.

As part of his entrepreneurial skillset, he is a genius in the ethical marketing world and successful on many fronts.

 And still, it was him that said to us one day,

“I have to market myself to MYSELF… EVERY DAY.”

 And I thought, “Wowwww…. I would have never guessed that someone in his shoes would feel the need to do that…”

Someone who has yes, seen many failures but also success after success…after success.


So it kind of got me thinking…

Very often when we look at others that we think have achieved and experienced success, we tend to think that their feelings of insecurity or self-doubt magically disappear.

It’s refreshing to know that we are still all human at any level and that one important element that sets apart those who may be deemed as successful and those who are not, is our mindset and our ability to overcome obstacles and push through daily, regardless of our negative beliefs.


So great I thought, I’m going to visualize my goals, and motivate myself every day using affirmations. On top of that, I’ll find inspiration every step of the way to keep me going! 

I will market myself to myself every day!!

 And what I found? That this is an excellent and necessary first step.
 Overcoming our self-doubt and limiting beliefs is key in setting ourselves up for success.  But I also found that this alone is not enough to achieve success. Something was missing.  As helpful as this was, it only got me so far.
 I quickly realized that I needed to incorporate action steps to feel like I was moving toward my goals.
Here are 3 things that I’ve done in addition to marketing myself to myself.
 These things really took it up a notch for me:
  1. Model Others: There are people out there that have already achieved what you want to achieve. If you follow their steps, they will get you there wayyyy faster than trying to figure it out on your own.

  2. Create good habits: like exercise, meditation, building relationships. If you implement one small habit, one at a time, before you know it, you’ll look back in amazement at how far you’ve come.

  3. Control your environment — specifically the people that you surround yourself with on a daily basis. They will build you up or bring you down.

So yes, please:

  • Market yourself to yourself every day and use this as fuel to act!!

  • Try modeling others, creating good habits, and controlling your environment and see where it takes you.

My guess is that you’ll be well on your way to your goals in good time!!

Wishing you joy and success on your journey!

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